
Our Task Manager is a dynamic task management tool that helps companies organize and manage their workflows efficiently. With intelligent task planning and prioritization features, transparent progress tracking, customizable views, effective collaboration, user-friendly customizability and detailed visibility, our tool provides an innovative solution to set new standards for productivity enhancement and efficient task management. Thanks to its powerful features, you can create, schedule, delegate and seamlessly link and log individual tasks to the corresponding process areas in Rollworks Explorer.

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) provides intelligent support for planning and prioritizing tasks, resulting in optimized resource planning and efficient workflows.

Main Functions

  1. Resource planning and progress tracking: Track the progress of your tasks and optimize your resource usage. Stay informed about current activities and ensure that your processes stay on schedule.
  2. Clear presentation and customized views: Get a clear overview of all your tasks in an easy-to-read display and customize the views according to your needs.
  3. Links and attachments for effective collaboration: Simplify collaboration within your team by linking files and attachments directly to tasks and using the filter and search functions.
  4. Transparent logging with history function: Keep track of all changes to your tasks thanks to the detailed history function.
  5. Clear task status and prioritization: Prioritize your tasks and keep track of progress at all times.

Additional Functions

  • Granular organization with subtasks: Structure complex tasks by creating subtasks and always maintain an overview.
  • Use tailor-made templates for standardization: Use ready-made templates to simplify the creation of new tasks and standardize workflows.
  • Intuitive context menu for efficient task management: Create new tasks easily via the intuitive context menu and optimize your workflows.

Our task manager is the practical solution for companies to optimize workflows and increase productivity. With a clear focus on the individual requirements of our customers, we offer a flexible and customizable solution for the efficient organization and management of tasks.